What’s happening?
The FCA issued its latest Dear CEO letter to retail firms at the end of March. The letter refers to the fact that the FCA has received many requests from trade associations and firms for adaptations to its regulatory approach and provides the information below to set out the FCA’s approach to a number of issues in relation to the current situation.
What do you need to do?
Client identify verification
Restrictions on non-essential travel have affected firms’ abilities to use traditional methods to verify a customer’s identity – this is an obligation under the Money Laundering Regulations 2017 and the FCA still expects firms to comply but will allow them to be flexible. During this period, it expects firms to continue to comply with their obligations on client identity verification. The MLRs and Joint Money Laundering Steering Group guidance already provide for client identify verification to be carried out remotely and give indications of appropriate safeguards and additional checks which firms can use to assist with verification. For example, firms can:
Supervisory flexibility over best execution until the end of June
The FCA expects firms to continue to meet their obligations including their obligations on client order handling and to take into account current market conditions when determining the relative importance they place on the different execution factors when meeting their obligations and the venues or brokers they rely upon to achieve best execution. It will expect firms to consider their use of different types of orders to execute client order and manage risk during market volatility.
However, the FCA has announced that it has no intention of taking enforcement action where a firm:
Supervisory flexibility over 10% depreciation notifications until the end of September
Firms providing portfolio management services or holding retail client accounts that include leveraged investments are currently required to inform investors where the value of their portfolio or leveraged position falls by 10% or more compared with its value in their last periodic statement, and for each subsequent 10% fall in value. Firms have raised concerns about the impact on consumers and the operational burden of this in a highly volatile market.
The FCA has announced that it has no intention of taking enforcement action where a firm:
The FCA is adopting this approach for a period of 6 months ending on 1 October 2020.
How can we help you?
If you’d like further information, to arrange a review of your client verification, best execution or regulatory reporting arrangements, or to discuss any other aspect of compliance, our expert team is here to help.
Contact us today on 0207 436 0630 or email info@thistleinitiatives.co.uk.